• Prologues for all 4 classes are now complete, which allows the player to advance to chapter 2 and meet up for the grand adventure (Main Quest)
• Remote Play Together feature added to the new multiplayer menu to make it easier to play with your friends, and local COOP!
• Build Mode system completely revamped, many objects can be customized to your personal theme/skin, castle wall doors now added, plot size increased, and much more refer to gifs to see details
- Brand new food added (Banana bread, banana pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie, raspberry pie)
- Volcanic lands has new enemies, the volcanic castle empire has been started and will be finished in 1.1.5
- Banana trees, pumpkins and raspberries have been added for harvest
- Tier 2 potions added to alchemist so you don’t have to make them anymore, tier 3 potions will have to be crafted at the alchemy table
- New boss fight for the Druid and Ninja prologue added
- Enemies now drop ammo for Ninja and Airship Pirate’s associated power weapons (Only if you unlocked them)
- Night-time, dusk and dawn are little less dark now
- Black slime animations greatly improved
- Naval Ship docking indicators added near docks

Remote Play Together:

We tried hard to make sure this update has as many bug fixes and polish we could do during the holidays. As usual we will continue to prioritize squashing bugs.
• Wolf death animation fixed
• Fixed a bug where the player would level up but it would not make the sound and animation associated with leveling up
• When you spawn the tent or campfire it will now spawn in the direction your facing, instead of down only
• When talking with a NPC they will now face you properly
• When you run too far away from your party units they will now always spawn behind you
• Fixed Druid staff disappearing when attacking up
• Fixed Glorious Gloria’s attack animations a bit
• Much balance added to the weapons damage for all player classes
• Balance to the amount and frequency of wheat grass and fibergrass given when harvesting

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