BETA 1.0.4 (Age of Exploration) RELEASED

The Age of Exploration Begins!
This update adds much needed content and fixes. Going forward (1.0.5+), we will be rapid releasing updates now that 1.0.4 is out of the way.


• Engineer crafting table now available (Create naval ship, airship, upgrade ship, etc.)

• You can create a naval ship from the engineer crafting table (Go to any dock in the “ground overworld map” to activate the naval ship).
• You can create an airship from the engineer crafting table.(Transforms into airship from the ocean after your in naval ship mode)
• You can fly up to the Sky Overworld map once you transform into an airship now

• You can customize your ships sail from the engineer crafting table. (Changes for both naval and airship)

• New maps/continents (Desert, Jungle, Mesa, Volcanic)
• New enemy AI types and new enemies (Part 2)


The Desert enemies are now complete.
The Jungle enemies are 50% complete.
The Volcanic enemies are now 25% complete.
The mesa, volcanic, and jungle will have plenty more enemies placed in the next update or two.
Along with the new enemies, comes new enemy types. The new enemy types can fire off 2-3 attacks if need be, and can fire elemental projectiles, and/or arrows . Additionally the enemy attacks will now random roll if the enemy attack pool max is set above 1. Lastly the damage random rolls as well (Min to maximum attack range for every damage type)!

Saber-tooth Lyger has been chosen for the Druid’s official starter Party Unit, (will be replacing the default wolf)

Tents and Camps system reworked (Tent allows you to sleep anywhere there is not an enemy), (Camps regen combined with tent regen allows the player to fully regenerate quite fast now)


• Combat system update #3 for enemies and party units
• Many map collision fixes
• Custom cursor added in game
• Combat system rework #3
• Tents now cost 500 Gold
• Command Scrolls now cost 200 gold for 5
• Experience gain is a bit more spaced out after level 10
• Crystal added to mining holes so the player can craft engineering items
• Dark Knight intro difficulty has been lowered by adding treasure chests that should help ease things a bit
• Dark Knight Lore props added in the (Dark Knight Castle 2)
• Added death animations for enemies that didn’t have one
• Adjustments to player movement speed at very high levels
• After fighting an overworld encounter, when transitioning back to the overworld map, your speed is now properly set
• Some previously existing maps are now larger (Part 2)
• Fix for Ninja smoke bombs not stopping enemies
• Fix for Ninja gas bomb damage system
• Fix for Ninja Throwing knives not doing any damage and missing some animations
• 7 new enemies added + magical enemy types

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